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5201 140th Ave SW Rochester WA 98579
3 hour time slots, everything you need to play. Click link for details
5201 140th Ave SW Rochester WA 98579
5201 140th Ave SW Rochester WA 98579
Our Paintball events is pre-sale tickets $30 & Walk on $35
Field Paint Case 2,000 rounds for $55
Gates open 8:3...
5201 140th Ave SW Rochester WA 98579
Waivers are active from 1 year. Please fill out a waiver for each player and any spectator remaining on the premises. Please read the rules in advance and understand our age bracket system.
Players Age 18+ Must fill out an ADULT release of liability waiver once per year
Players Age 13-17 Must have a parent or legal guardian (by law) fill out a MINOR release of liability waiver once per year. Players may be dropped off for the duration of the selected game day or time slot.
Players Age 11-12 Must have a parent or legal guardian (by law) fill out a MINOR release of liability waiver once per year. Players will NOT BE DROPPED OFF for the duration of the selected game day or time slot. They must be accompanied by 1 parent (not older brother) per 5 child minors on site at all times.
Players Age 8-10 Must have a parent or legal guardian (by law) fill out a MINOR release of liability waiver once per year. Players will NOT BE DROPPED OFF for the duration of the selected game day or time slot. They must be accompanied by 1 parent (not older brother) per 1 child minor on/off the playing field at all times
Spectator/Property Access, any individual staying on the property longer than a drop off/pick up must come check in with the player, you must have a Adult/Minor waiver on file and request a spectator wrist band. On field spectators are generally not allowed.
1. Respect for all property, structures, rules, and directives are a must. This is a no tolerance policy. Violations of outlined rules and guidelines will be probable cause for player/spectator removal from the premises and possible long-term ban from participation…
2. Under no circumstances will real lethal weapons be allowed on the premises, this includes but is not limited to pistols, semi-automatic/automatic/bolt action rifles, knives, hand grenades, rockets or any other weapon that could be used to kill or severely injure any individual. Airsoft replica weaponry can simulate the appearance of a real weapon. This is for everyone’s safety. There is no exemption for concealed carry license holders.
3. Players and spectators must sign the BOSS Release of Liability waiver/player registration form promptly upon arrival at the facility. Verification of waiver for players and spectators shall be indicated by BOSS provided bracelets to be placed on the wrist of each and every individual on the premises. BOSS staff may stop and ask to see your bracelet at any point while occupying the premises
4. All replica weaponry shall be choreographed PRIOR to entry to the field of play. All Paintball tanks shall be marked with a verification zip tie to ensure it is within HYDRO. These must be present and will be checked prior to entry to the field of play. All weapons must shoot below 285 FPS.
5. Goggles must have a lens meeting or exceeding ANSI Z87.1 standards with full face coverage. Goggles must be worn over the nose and mouth. These protective items shall remain secured in the proper position during the entire time on the field of play. This shall be verified by BOSS staff prior to entry to the field of play and enforced during play by BOSS staff. No Mesh Allowed under any Circumstance.
6. BLIND MAN is to be called and echoed anytime a player is without eye protection on the field. Game play shall cease immediately until the situation is resolved and BOSS staff gives the ALL CLEAR. Any player or BOSS staff can call BLIND MAN in the event of an incident.
7. In the case of a real-world injury CEASE FIRE is to be called and echoed by all players. Players shall notify BOSS staff to the location of the injured player so we can assess and treat the injury appropriately in a timely manner. Game play shall cease until the situation is resolved and BOSS staff gives the ALL CLEAR. Any player or BOSS staff can call BLIND MAN in the event of an incident.
8. Paintball Markers are to be treated as loaded at all times. This means muzzle awareness, fingers off triggers, safety engaged until ready to shoot. Barrel Bags must be in place when not on the field of play. Be smart. Let’s not have negligent discharges and get someone hurt.
9. Markers shall not be fired anywhere but the field of play and the chronograph range. Markers should never be fired at people or structures not on the field of play or into the field of play.
10. FIELD PAINT ONLY. You are only allowed to use paint purchased at our field during gameplay. If you are caught using outside paint, you will be asked to leave without a refund.
11. Fighting/physical altercations are not allowed under any circumstance. If an issue cannot be resolved calmly at the player level, please walk away from the situation and contact a BOSS staff member immediately. Shall a situation arise, both players/individuals shall be removed from premises regardless of who was at fault. There will be no warnings or exceptions.
12. Blind Firing is not permitted. Players must be able to look down sight/barrel and see your target to fire. Be aware of what is behind your target when engaging.
13. In the event a player is struck by a paintball during game play, the player shall call out HIT. If a player is not calling hits, BOSS staff is to be notified immediately and they will perform a hit check. If the player is found to be wiping paint they will be removed from the round. If this happens twice, the player shall be removed from play for the day. If a player is determined to have reported false information, the same warning system shall be implemented. Gun hits DO count.
14. No Overshooting. Once a player is determined hit, he is considered a spectator and must not be struck again until the player has either respawned at designated area or be revived via the “medic rule” Hit players must set their marker down or raise it above their head to indicate they are temporarily out of game play.
15. MEDIC RULE as follows
15a. Players wishing to use medic rule must carry a simulation tourniquet (white cloth strip)
15b. When player is hit/struck, the player must call HIT, pull out dead rag and lay on ground
15c. Player may then call for MEDIC, medic can be any other player
15d. Player acting as medic must use hit player tourniquet to bandage near the area where the hit occurred (hit in right leg, bandage must go on right leg
15e. Medic rule only applies to first hit, if a player is struck a second time they must pull out a dead rag and return to the respawn area.
15f. Hit player must be bandaged up by another player, no self healing
15g. If medic has not been able to reach hit player within 5 minutes, the medic rule is void and hit player must return to respawn area
16. No Alcohol or Illegal drugs allowed on the premises. Designated smoking area will be in the back corner of the parking lot.
18. No unauthorized simulation equipment allowed on the field of play.
17a. BOSS is currently not allowing any smoke/BB grenades or pyrotechnics of any kind. This rule may be modified in the future.
18. All players wishing to enter the playing field must attend the pregame meeting/brief, and quietly respectfully listen to briefing. Rule # 3 and 4 must be completed before briefing. Teams will be assigned at this time with a designated team color armband/tape. If you wish to be on the same team as another player, group together during briefing and notify BOSS staff. There are no guarantees on team placement
Additional Photo Albums Available at the Link Below